About Me
Well Hello there! My name is Leah and I am the author of this blog Grey Not Blue. Here on this blog I post DIY's, my daily life, fashion tips, and my photography! I started this blog because I wanted to share with others what I enjoy in life, and I wanted to be able to share my hobbies with all of you! I try my best to post every Tuesday, and Friday. Now you may ask why it's called "Grey Not Blue" though right? While making this blog I had such a hard time coming up with a title! After trying out some titles and failing, I decided to try to find a name for my blog by looking at my own personal life. I needed to find something that I could relate to, and that's when I came up with "Grey Not Blue". As some of you know, I have grey eyes, and well, many people more than I can count have mistaken my eyes for blue. It's a very normal thing for me. Some of my friends who I've known for quite a while have thought that they were blue! So that's how I came up with "Grey Not Blue". Now to introduce myself a little bit more to you.
the color Mint Green,
I really want a Polaroid camera,
Original image via
I want to own or use a typewriter,
Original image via
Original image via
I want to own or use a typewriter,
Original image via
(Who wouldn't is my question o.O)
I am a brunette, I have plenty of "sun kisses" as my mom calls them,
(a.k.a. freckles)
(a.k.a. freckles)
I have a love for music,
I'm a Texan and proud to be, I have grey eyes,
I'm home schooled and as far as I know I will always be,
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
(I'm Mormon.)
My middle name is Bronwen (It means something like sea goddess.)
I own the sweetest golden retriever who's name is Cooper,
and my favorite word is unique.
That's about it I think!
I hope that you were able to get to know me a bit better and I hope that you'll stick around!
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